Helen Welsh
June 2020
8 East Oncology
UF Health - Shands
United States




Helen has been on numerous committees throughout UF Health and Shands, she has brought knowledge, skill and the love of nursing to each one of those committees. She has managed several units in her almost 30 years of working at UF Health and Shands, and yes bringing her love of nursing wherever she is. Helen always remembers and thoughtfully acknowledges personal milestones and life events of staff. She sends thank you cards as well as welcome cards (to new staff), also condolences for the loss of a pet, or a loved one, or even just a cheer up card. (I'm sure some of you have gotten a card or two from her).
Helen has touched the lives of staff, patients, and families. Her love for nursing shows all around the unit. Even when she is busy she always has an open-door policy where staff, patients, and family walk by her office and stop to chat. Sometimes it's a comforting word, a snack, or a smile, sometimes just a laugh and yes even a cry. Her knowledge, care, and love of nursing come through no matter what the situation. Helen was instrumental in providing a unique end of life retreat for one of our nurses and her family, while the nurse was undergoing cancer treatments. Her young children wanted to see snow. So Helen got the staff together, searched for where there was going to be snow, got plane tickets for the family, she bought and borrowed winter clothes (as they had never been in cold weather before). Helen made arrangements for them to stay at a lodge, she called the lodge and with the lodge's help, had extra "goodies" provided for them. Helen coordinated a "meal train" and caregivers to sit with her. This memorable experience will last a lifetime for the children.