Helen Windholz
May 2020
Hays Medical Center
United States




During the last year, my mother has been on Hospice twice. The first time she was removed from the Hospice program after approximately three months because she appeared to be stabilizing and her health status was determined to be no longer deteriorating. Late last year she developed complications stemming from an ongoing heart condition which resulted in very poor circulation in her legs. Finally, this ended up in a severe infection in her left foot which went septic and caused her death.
Visits to various departments for treatment at HaysMed were always met with superior care and compassion. However, my experience with Hospice staff was extraordinary, to say the least. All of the Hospice staff was way over the top providing professional assistance, human caring, and compassion.
I believe Helen requires special recognition. She worked with us a number of times during Mom's first bout with Hospice and almost all the time with the final round of Hospice assistance. I could always see her putting Mom's care first. She adjusted to Mom's every need involving her increasing levels of pain and increased need for personal care. She astounded me with her level of experience and knowledge as she guided my family and me through the stages of Mom's downward heath spiral while we cared for Mom at home.
Helen coped with our emotional reactions to Mom's condition and helped us provide the day-to-day care Mom needed. She supported us when we wavered on the necessity to provide Mom with the medication that eased her pain but reduced her awareness of her surroundings. My family members have not always been easy to deal with, but Helen dealt with each of us as individuals and led us to the right decisions to best take care of Mom in her final days. She never backed off from her job and the need to help, to provide nursing.
I cannot understand how anyone could deal daily with Mom's condition and our needs, not to mention all her other patient needs, and still keep a stable mental outlook but Helen dealt with it flawlessly. I see her as one of the most selfless people I have ever had the honor to deal with. In the end, when we called the nurse for help as Mom passed, Helen left their evening family gathering and came immediately. She walked us through what we needed to do when we were too stunned to think.