March 2021
SMG Senior Health Services
Sentara Medical Group
United States




Holli took it upon herself to meet the cab at the appointment and stay with him through his appointment to make sure that his history was translated appropriately.
I wanted to bring to your attention the above and beyond patient care that Holli provided the other day. Monday was a federal holiday and so the CSB staff weren’t working. One of our patients who has an intellectual disability and has been lost in the shuffle of the health system needed an urgent ophthalmology visit. CSB arranged his transportation, but couldn’t go with him. Holli took it upon herself to meet the cab at the appointment and stay with him through his appointment to make sure that his history was translated appropriately. He needed an urgent referral to the retina specialist and they saw him the same day. Holli stayed with him and left with the visit note and communicated back to CSB that he is supposed to have surgery next week so they could work on his transportation. This patient was in the ER for acute vision loss, but he only told them he was dizzy. Even though I sent him out from the hotel for workup of ocular stroke AND told the EMS team, it wasn’t communicated on their EMS forms nor was it communicated to the ED provider. The only mention of his vision change was noted by a nurse note. No workup was done. So, he was discharged back to the hotel diagnosed with orthostatic hypotension but still couldn’t see. He needed an advocate and without prompting, she took it upon herself to accompany him to his appt to make sure he got the care he needed. I didn’t even know she was going to do that.