Hollis Reed
October 2023
Medical Case Management Unit
U.S. Public Health Service, ICE Health Service Corps, Philadelphia Field Office
United States




One hundred percent of smokers at CSU have now been offered a low-dose CT scan, and 32% of smokers have now been screened for lung cancer.
LCDR Reed effectively displays continuous outstanding leadership and upholds the Corps values by promoting and advancing the health of the American Indian/Alaskan Native population through prevention and early detection screenings. Per the CDC, American Indians/Alaskan Natives are 23% more likely to develop lung cancer.

In May of 2022, LCDR Reed found that only 2% of the Catawba Service Unit’s (CSU) registered smokers had been screened using low-dose CTs to detect early lung cancer. She then partnered with a local hospital’s disparity program to provide this service free of charge to CSU’s patients. One hundred percent of smokers at CSU have now been offered a low-dose CT scan, and 32% of smokers have now been screened for lung cancer. This initiative saved CSU over $12,336.87. Eleven patients were referred to cardiology for moderate, extensive, and severe coronary artery disease who were not diagnosed prior to lung CT screening, and seven patients were found to have suspicious lung findings that have resulted in additional scans and referrals to pulmonology, 11 patients were referred for mammograms, 20 patients were referred for colonoscopies, 33 patients had their vaccines updated, 10 women were updated on their pap smears. 91 patients received tobacco cessation counseling – and 3 patients quit smoking. 

The singularly distinctive accomplishments of LCDR Reed reflect the highest credit upon herself and the United States Public Health Service.