Holly Wroblicky
January 2024
Outpatient Rehab
VA Long Beach Healthcare System
Long Beach
United States




During the entire procedure, She had her hand on my arm and continually rubbed or patted it when she wasn't busy taking my vital signs.
During my twenty years as a Hospital Corpsman in the Navy, I worked with countless nurses so I have seen both the good and the bad. Fast forward to recently, I was having an outpatient epidural for a newly diagnosed lower back herniated disc with associated sciatica.
Nurse Wroblicky was the nurse in the procedure room and was responsible for monitoring my vital signs. During the entire procedure, She had her hand on my arm and continually rubbed or patted it when she wasn't busy taking my vital signs. The care and compassion she showed for this old Hospital Corpsman during a procedure that wasn't comfortable, to say the least, made me comfortable! Nurse Wroblicky also verbally reassured me, all the while asking me how I was doing numerous times throughout.
Nurse Wroblicky not only demonstrated care & compassion, but she also RESPECT (by acknowledging a foreign and uncomfortable procedure for a male patient) and EXCELLENCE (in the care and compassion she demonstrated throughout). So much so in fact that when I spoke to my Pain Management Doctor about the possibility of having to undergo additional epidurals, I informed him that I would only do so if Nurse Wroblicky was next to me! Nurse Wroblicky is a true asset to the Veterans Administration!
Thank you, Holly!