Idolly Wischerth
July 2023
Post Anesthesia Care Unit
Good Samaritan University Hospital
West Islip
United States




Idolly truly is an inspirational nurse who provides nothing but kindness, empathy, knowledge, and excellent clinical skills to her patients.

G - Generous in sharing their knowledge: Idolly has been the most influential nurse in my personal career, sharing all of her knowledge throughout my training in the medical ICU in 2016 and again in PACU in 2019. She is kind, patient, and extremely experienced nurse who generously passes on her knowledge as a preceptor and to other nursing staff. She inspired me during my MICU orientation in 2016 to always put the patient's care first, to maintain an updated level of education in nursing, and to always be a team player with your coworkers. Watching Idolly work as a nurse has influenced the care that I provide to my patients for the better.

S - Supports the I-CARE values: Idolly not only supports the I-CARE values but is the I-CARE values. She show RESPECT to all of her coworkers, patients, and patient's support systems by always keeping an open line of communication that is concise, clear, and empathetic. She is committed to ADVOCATING for her patients on a daily basis ensuring they receive the best possible care. I have personally witnessed her endlessly calling physicians and mid-level practitioners to ensure her post op patients are heard, understood, and treated for based off of their request or her concerns for their well-being. Idolly shows EXCELLENCE in continuously trying to improve her nursing practice by updating herself on the most current evidence based practice. She known on the unit as a person of great knowledge and many of her coworkers seek her nursing advise regarding their patients.

H - Helps entire healthcare team: I will never forget working in PACU and having a critical patient come out of the OR. I was overwhelmed with the care I needed to provided and without even having to ask, Idolly was by my side. She was helpful in obtaining lab work, giving medications, and assisting in patient care. She is the type of nurse to have a sixth sense and just know what someone else needs without having to be asked. She is always just doing for others and never waits to be asked.

N - Nurtures novice nurses: She is the most patient, kind, and loving nurse. She speaks with such empathy to her patients and also her coworkers. She always takes the extra time to educate her patients on post operative care and disease processes. She has influenced the care I provide in that I want to be as kind as she is to her patients. Her energy is contagious and the PACU unit is very lucky to have that influence.

U - Utilizes best practices: Idolly is always follow hospital protocol, always ensuring she is up to date with evidence based practice, as well as incorporating that into her care. She is constantly staying informed by asking questions and reading nursing journals.

R - Respects patient, family, and coworkers: Idolly is very respectful to all of her patients, families, and coworkers. She never influences others based off of her own opinions instead she listens and offers multiple medical choices that patients and family members might be comfortable with.

S - Serves as a role model for all staff: Idolly demonstrates to other staff members on how to be agile, trustworthy, and innovative in nursing care.

E - Excellent clinical assessment skills: I am so blessed to have been trained by Idolly early in my nursing career because she taught me excellent nursing assessment skills. The first day I worked with Idolly she turned and looked at me after taking one look at our ICU patient and said she is in heart failure. Sure enough the patient was fluid overloaded, bilateral crackles on auscultation, pitting edema, and low SpO2 levels. We proceeded in treating her and avoiding intubation due to her critical thinking and accurate assessment skills.

Idolly truly is an inspirational nurse who provides nothing but kindness, empathy, knowledge, and excellent clinical skills to her patients. She is an asset to her coworker and other clinical staff at Good Samaritan Hospital. She has truly inspired me from the beginning of my career as a nurse and continues to do so everyday.