Intensive Care Unit Staff at Mercy Iowa City
May 2022
Intensive Care Unit Staff
at Mercy Iowa City
Mercy Hospital Iowa City
Iowa City
United States




They truly are healthcare heroes, and their heroics deserve to be recognized for all they have been through, learned, and accomplished as a team.
Over the last 2 years of the pandemic, the ICU has continued to show an amazing amount of dedication and perseverance. The staff has provided excellent service to the organization, as well as their patients' families. During the highest COVID surges, the nurses were working in team models, taking 2-3 vented patients at a time. These patients were all in airborne isolation and often were on 8-12 drips at a time. This requires anywhere from 40-60 IV tubings to establish drips and medications for the patient in order to stabilize their hemodynamics. They work 12+ hours, often wearing their N95s the majority of the day, because the acuity and census were so high. They FaceTimed patients' families, often having their voice from their mask-covered faces, be the last voice the families would hear because their loved one was struggling too greatly to breathe that they could not even form words. They updated families on back-to-back phone calls because they could not come in and visit their loved ones. They never once complained. They worked together to figure out how to be the most efficient and provide the best care for their patients. They teamed up to work out "turning schedules," to ensure their patients were all turned every 2 hours. Night shift worked out teams to get everyone bathed. Even after they lost a patient, they didn't have time to grieve or process the event. They had to be task-oriented, and move on to the next patient because there was always a list of patients needing an ICU bed. They truly are healthcare heroes, and their heroics deserve to be recognized for all they have been through, learned, and accomplished as a team. I obviously am a bit biased, as a leader of their team, but I could not be more proud of all they have done and continue to do for our organization, our community, and those they serve. Critical Care Nursing truly is a labor of love, and they have all shown their highest level of compassion and love for their patients, this unit, and this organization.