Iris Giammanco
December 2020
Vascular Stepdown Unit
Orlando Regional Medical Center




She gave selflessly in the extra energy and hours, including coming into the hospital on a day off to check on us. Her love and passion for the patient and nursing was the lift beneath Iris's angel wings.
Iris Giammanco BSN, RN, PCCN is an extraordinary nurse manager working at Orlando Health, Orlando Regional Medical Center (ORMC) on the 5th floor vascular unit in the north tower. This letter is written by a former patient, an 83-year-old man, and his children. Like the Barnes family, who created The DAISY Award, we were the recipients of exceptional hospital care. As we read the criteria of the DAISY Award, we reflected on how Iris embodies each and all of the six attributes defined by the acronym PETALS. The first two qualities that come to mind are E for empathy and T for trust. Next, we remark that her Passion and Love for nursing are ever-present. As an example, we were amazed by the high - quality nursing staff and later learned that Iris is key to hiring and sustaining this level of care. They respect and appreciate Iris.
We had many occasions to be impacted by Iris's efforts, including those that were unseen to us. Her work was a constant thread in the tapestry of complex care provided. The treatment and healing required the coordinated action of many nurses, nursing assistants, charge nurses, hospitalists, specialists, social workers, nutrition staff, and more. Many of those individuals are noteworthy. It became clear to us quite quickly that Iris is exemplary in many ways. So much so that when Iris would walk into the hospital room, I (the patient) called her "my angel".
Like an angel, Iris appeared just when needed. As expected for a manager, Iris was not in the hospital room often. She arrived when it was a turning point. The first turning point was a decision for an above-knee amputation. After specialists had consulted on aortic stenosis in the legs and explained the surgery proposed, Iris came to speak to us to see if we had any questions regarding the operation and the recovery. On another occasion, Iris saw that one of the specialists had come into the room, and a nurse was not available. Iris respectfully went into the room and listened as we interacted with the doctor. Her love for nursing compelled her to jump in and enter the orders from the specialist into the patient's record, leaving no chance for misinterpretations or delays on a critical part of the care.
Another key moment that stood out to us was when we watched Iris interact with her superior, the Chief Nursing Officer, who was touring and observing all the ORMC hospital nurses. It was wonderful to see the respect the two shared as Iris was intensely listening to her CNO, while she interacted with the patient and the nurse on duty. It is clear Iris is not only a great leader. It was evident that she also has a very teachable spirit - in her!
The next turning point came after surgery. Although we had met with specialists, therapists, and social workers, with many health issues interacting, we still had critical questions. Again, Iris began to talk to us. As Iris explained the processes and players, we continued placing our trust in her. Iris empathized with her peers and us. She patiently worked with the hospitalists and social workers and supported them.
It was clear that they trusted Iris, who often stayed late, ensuring all of the insurance criteria were met to have three signatures on the same day. Despite those signatures being obtained, there was more work to be done to piece together the discharge plan that would be the highest standard of healthcare. Once again, Iris stepped in, demonstrating her passion for nursing and empathy for her peers and our family. She gave selflessly in the extra energy and hours, including coming into the hospital on a day off to check on us. Her love and passion for the patient and nursing was the lift beneath Iris's angel wings.
Iris is a skilled, humbled, selfless leader with excellent communication skills. The care Iris and her team gave us often resulted in our praising and thanking them. When that happened, Iris consistently credited her team and colleagues. We sincerely appreciate the care and compassion she gave us and her humbleness. She is a stellar communicator selflessly caring for patients and their families, as well as staff and colleagues.