September 2022
Isabelle "Izzy"
Good Samaritan Hospital
San Jose
United States




She advocated for me when the times presented. Izzy kept reminding me that we would get through this and kept me optimistic.
I was admitted at 35 weeks, 3 days, after my water broke spontaneously at home around 2:00 am. I was told to come to Good Sam. Unfortunately, a complex cervical stitch stood in the way of a vaginal vs. c-section (which I was trying hard to avoid).

While all the nurses are amazing – Izzy stood out! I am a cardiac care nurse but was treated like a regular patient with little to no knowledge. What does that mean? It means Izzy clearly is compassionate, caring, consistent, and a true advocate for her patients. Izzy consistently checked on me physically during her shift. She spent the previous time explaining to plan of care to me and my husband. She advocated for me when the times presented. Izzy kept reminding me that we would get through this and kept me optimistic.

What made the defining moment(s) is Izzy never gave up. She made a point to come into the room every ½ hour to try a new birthing position to help induce my labor for a vaginal delivery. We tried at least 6 – 8 positions! That’s a lot AND she just kept trying, inspiring us each time! Finally around 2:08 am, with Izzy (and the team) I had my son delivered – all thanks to our teamwork. As a nurse, there are always competing priorities for patients and also the necessity to care for ourselves. Izzy did this AND so much more for us. Izzy consistently demonstrated clinical expertise with her persistence, knowledge, and compassion.

Thank you for going above and beyond! Forever grateful