August 2023
Madonna University
United States




They got to play together but also he was so much more comfortable with taking his meds when Jack was there administering them.
Jack was more than an outstanding student. He came to Peds clinical every day ready to not only learn new skills and tasks but to also leave a lasting impression on his pediatric patients and their families.

In week 2, Jack was assigned a sweet little boy who had a complex case. He was so diligent in his care but most importantly he grew such a fascinating bond with this patient rather quickly. So much so that the child's mother commented how she was finally able to sleep and catch her breath when Jack was in the room with her son. In the following days at this same site with other schools, I would put other students with this patient and he would just cry and say, "But I want Jack!" His mother said, "Please let Jack have him back on Thursday!" In week 3, I decided to go against my past rules and assign Jack to this patient again. The little boy was so ecstatic to see Jack and they had a great day.

Jack had the patient for another week just before he was finally discharged. They got to play together but also he was so much more comfortable with taking his meds when Jack was there administering them. I remember so vividly Jack talking in post-conference about how much this one patient changed his life and career trajectory. Jack's care with this patient truly highlighted the type of nurse that he will be in the future. He is the pure definition of demonstrating Franciscan values and being committed to the quality and compassionate care of patients and their families. The trust that this mom had for Jack was likely far more than what she had for some of the nurses and this was something that made me very proud to be able to be a part of!