Jackie Lynn Cothron
February 2023
Jackie Lynn
Pediatric Surgery, Trauma, Adolescent Medicine (PSTAM)
Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt
United States




She spent just about all of her time in that room providing about 1:1 nursing care while he was stabilizing out.
Hi, I'm a new PICU fellow here! The hospital has been running above cap and the nurses have been working short staffed as we all know. Jackie Lynn called an RRT with the floor team when a patient was having increased work of breathing and continuous vomiting. She went absolutely above and beyond with the patient to try to keep him on the floor. She spent just about all of her time in that room providing about 1:1 nursing care while he was stabilizing out. She communicated with me throughout the afternoon and was very proactive in his care. She also helped me when I wasn't able to come back at the time I hoped and she provided me with her medical assessment and opinion of the situation to help me try to help keep him on the floor. Sadly, despite her nursing care he did have a repeat RRT and ended up in the PICU in the afternoon. But ask anyone else on the floor, she was calm and did more than I could have asked to try to keep him on the floor. I would love to work with her any day.