Jackie Wesenberg
December 2022
Critical Care
Corewell East Farmington Hills (formerly Beaumont Farmington Hills)
Farmington Hills
United States




Throughout every little mistake, Jackie was always there to help. Not only that but there was never a minute where she didn’t encourage me and tell me I’m doing a good job.
Throughout my time on RN orientation as Jackie’s orientee, it was easily evident to me just how worthy Jackie is of receiving this praise and appreciation as an exceptional, compassionate, and competent RN. Jackie always gives 110% and really cares about the well-being of not only her patients but fellow employees/orientees. Jackie always went above and beyond to help me not only gain the competence of a great nurse but the confidence in myself and my abilities as a nurse. Throughout every little mistake, Jackie was always there to help. Not only that but there was never a minute where she didn’t encourage me and tell me I’m doing a good job. There were days that were tougher than others, but she always was there, even over text, to tell me that she believed in me and that she was proud of me, nonetheless. There were times I second-guessed if I was good enough to work here, but Jackie, as she is with her patients, saw something in me, coached me, encouraged me, and never gave up on me. Yes, I’ve learned so many important things like drip titrations and prioritization, and Jackie always quizzed me on ACLS on our free time, but the most important thing is that I’m competent and meant to be an RN here.