Jackie Whalen
May 2020
Surgical Services
Atrium Health Pineville
United States




Jackie was the RN assisting a young woman who had come to AH Pineville to have a D&E due to the loss of a pregnancy. The pregnancy loss had occurred approximately a month ago, but the procedure was scheduled for yesterday. This was the second loss for this patient, and she was understandably upset.
During the admission, the young woman became visibly upset and stated, "I cannot do this alone, I can't do this," left the department and the hospital. Jackie found her outside sitting on the curb, crying, waiting for her husband to come and get her.
Jackie explained to the patient the need for her to have the procedure, explained the potential complications should she not, and promised to stay with her throughout the entire procedure.
Jackie was able to persuade the patient to come back into the hospital and to have the procedure, staying with her until she went into the operating room. She was then able to take care of her afterward and discharged her to her husband's care.
Jackie not only provided the emotional support this young woman needed but advocated for her physical safety and health.