Jacob Delk
September 2017
Medical Intensive Care Unit
Methodist University Hospital
United States




Jacob Delk is Superman of MICU as told by afamily story. Their family member was dying and they had just made the decision to withdraw care. There was one family member who wanted to "press on" but the patient and spouse wanted "no resuscitation" and after the MD had updated the patient on the poor prognosis. The family made a decision to withdraw care which was difficult for them.
MICU was really busy that day and there were multiple demands on Jacob and the other nurses. Jacob took time out to step aside, educate the family, and spend personal 1:1 time with them during this difficult time. They said they knew he was busy but he took the time. The family stated that in the chaos of the ICU, he created a quiet environment that while they were making their decision he answered questions and supported them. He explained it could take a few minutes, hours, or a day but also told them that it could be immediate. Because of his education, the family said their "goodbyes" and touched their loved one and said any "last minute" peace or closure that they needed. The family said that the Respiratory Therapist did their "job" and extubated their loved one and within 15 seconds the patient had stopped breathing.
The family said Jacob acted in such a way of educating them with compassion, as they have never seen before. They said, "he put them first" even though he was busy and they knew it. Jacob is one who is known to this family as doing it because he "cares". Jacob Delk is the "Superman of MICU" to this family.