Jacqueline Saxon
May 2020
Long Term Follow-Up
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
United States




I am writing as the caregiver/wife of R. He had a BMT in 2011. He was diagnosed in 2003 so his journey getting to SCCA was a long and trying one. From the day we arrived, Jackie was our guide, support, hugger, organizer, and cheerleader during the arduous 5 months. She was our head nurse for the Red Team.
Why is she so special? She would look into R's eyes as he answered her questions and direct the conversations to heal, solve, or honor him where he was. She also looked in my eyes and would inquire, "How are you doing?" She listened with expert ears, her actions were that of a professional, but the thing that stands out is her COMPASSION! Eight years later, we visit SCCA every 6 months for follow-up and are honored that Jackie is part of the LTFU team and arranges her schedule to see us. A true representative of her profession!