Jaima Breeding
August 2022
IU Health North Hospital
United States




Jaima offered to sit in our room with us and hold the baby so that my husband and I could try to rest. She sat with us for 3 hours, all the while keeping my son consoled enough to not be super cranky.
I had a scheduled C-section for the delivery of our third child and first son. We had our previous two babies at IU North and the nursing care at each Labor and Delivery encounter has always been top-notch. This particular visit, I was required to be Covid tested prior to my scheduled surgery. It wasn't until I was walking into the hospital that morning that the PCA walking us back informed me that my test came back positive, despite my having no symptoms. To say that I felt overwhelmed would be an understatement. Because of my positive Covid test, I was required to remain in my post partum room and my baby was not permitted to go to the nursery. We had previously utilized the nursery with our first two babies, to allow both my husband and me a sliver of rest - as you know, rest is not a hot commodity in the hospital.

After waking at 0345 Friday morning for our 0700 scheduled section, by the time Saturday rolled around, I had maybe slept a total of 5 hours and we were knee-deep into cluster feeding. Because of my incision, getting in and out of bed was nearly impossible - my husband would try to console our baby, but all he wanted was to nurse every 15-20 minutes and of course, my husband was also very worn out.

Jaima was my night nurse and around 0200 Sunday morning, I was on the verge of tears from the exhaustion/lack of sleep/constant nursing, and holding my baby. Jaima offered to sit in our room with us and hold the baby so that my husband and I could try to rest. She sat with us for 3 hours, all the while keeping my son consoled enough to not be super cranky. Around 0500 I finally roused to try and nurse my son and Jaima offered to come back and sit with us again after I nursed if we needed it. It took me about an hour of trying to nurse and put him down, which he clearly was not interested in, so around 0600 I asked if Jaima could come back despite only having about an hour of her shift left. She immediately came to our aid again, with no hesitancy or questions asked. By 0800 I woke up to my son contently sleeping in his bassinet and I knew Jaima had left for the day.

Just this small act of simply sitting with us, allowing us to try and rest as best she could, it made such an enormous impression on me. I will never forget her, her kindness, and how she literally saved us during a very difficult hospital stay. Thank you Jaima. You cannot know how much this meant to me.