Jake E Wheeler
August 2021
Jake E
Emergency Department
VA Puget Sound Health Care System
United States




His ability to commiserate with patients and their families in a manner that fosters increased trust in the VA health care system makes him stand out as an extraordinary individual.
Mr. Wheeler has gone above and beyond the call of duty to ensure that patients and staff are adequately protected from airborne and droplet contagions. Over the last 12 months, Mr. Wheeler has provided access to N95 mask testing/sizing and has been able to ensure an adequate supply of masks for the department during the logistical crisis that has unfolded in the healthcare system due to Covid.

In addition, Mr. Wheeler has informed himself with an immense amount of research regarding the safety protocols for staff, within a Covid setting. During this time of intense uncertainty, it has been a relief to know that there is an individual who is reading relevant research with the intentions of providing a safe and workable atmosphere within the ED. I believe that Mr. Wheeler has presented himself with the utmost integrity by providing accurate information and protection to staff and patients within the ED.

Mr. Wheeler strives to place integrity first by providing unbiased, up-to-date information regarding the challenges that are presented during this pandemic. On numerous occasions, multiple staff members have witnessed Mr. Wheeler completing tasks that needed to be done, but nobody wanted to do. His level of integrity is unmatched which is so necessary during this pandemic.

His professionalism and exemplary service are in keeping with the finest traditions of the Veterans Affairs Health Care System, and reflect great credit upon himself and the entire VA ED. Mr. Wheeler's commitment to serving Veterans and families has been demonstrated by his ability to calm stressful situations. His ability to commiserate with patients and their families in a manner that fosters increased trust in the VA health care system makes him stand out as an extraordinary individual.

Mr. Wheeler expressed commitment to his fellow staff members by accepting a request to perform as an acting nurse manager for the ED. With his door always open to address any concerns that need to be managed, whether it's the patient or the staff. Mr. Wheeler is an outstanding advocate for the veterans as well as the staff. He has adopted the mentality of leading by exampled and it is expressed beautifully in his everyday interactions with VA staff and patients.

Mr. Wheeler has done a phenomenal job of training new staff for the ED floor by organizing hands-on sessions and ensuring that staff is prepared for the challenges that may come their way. In addition, although Mr. Wheeler is now in a management position, it is not uncommon to see him hunched over, sitting on a stool placing peripheral intravenous lines in patients that require ultrasound. assistance.

His dedication to outstanding patient care has set the bar for all to follow. Mr. Wheeler is excellent at producing respect by giving the respect that he expects in return. Just by being around the guy, you start to pick up on the customs and courtesy that are encouraged in a professional setting. Jake listens to his staff. He allows for group discussion on a regular basis in order to allow for all staff to be "in the know" and have a chance to provide their feedback on recent changes to the unit.

Mr. Wheeler is an example of what excellence looks like. He takes a personal interest in being "real" with the patients as well as the staff which reduces the sense of vulnerability. On the worst day for our patients, when they don't know what's going to happen; he's there. He encourages growth in new nurses to the department and he provides all with the reassurance that things will be ok and that they're in the right place.