Jake Moran
July 2024
Neuroscience ICU
Rush University Medical Center
United States




Jake was my rock at a time when I couldn't even remember my own name.
My significant other was a patient for 22 days. He was transferred to Rush after sustaining a very large hemorrhagic stroke and was fighting for his life. I didn't even know anything had happened to him since he was found unresponsive in his mechanic shop, where he worked alone, by a customer. I first encountered Jake when he called to inform me that he received my partner and was his nurse and needed some information. I lost it, but Jake was able to keep me calm by reassuring me that he was in serious condition but stable. He was able to walk me through the questions he needed answered and answer my questions as well.

Jake was my partner’s nurse for several days and remained that well-informed rock that kept me together. He always addressed my partner by name and explained to him what he was doing and why, as well as myself, and any questions I would have, he would answer or get the answer for me. He showed compassion to my partner and me that I've never experienced in a hospital setting. He also stopped in and checked on us even when he was assigned another patient. He acknowledged and offered his time to me when passing in the halls. He gave me a sense of peace to leave my partner’s side as he struggled for his life. I spent 24/7 with my partner, and when Jake was around, I was able to take a break and grab a coffee or sandwich or take a shower. He was just as helpful with my needs as he was with my partner’s care. Jake was my rock at a time when I couldn't even remember my own name.

In the 22 days at Rush, we encountered many other nurses, but none of them came close to the level of care and compassion that Jake shared with us. My partner is still on his journey to recovery, but Jake was instrumental in saving us both.