James Winston
January 2016
Renal Unit
Bon Secours Memorial Regional Medical Center
United States




I was the charge nurse in the ED on Tuesday; it was beyond crazy in the department this day. We had several code blues going on at the same time and had no ICU beds available. At one time I was working 2 code blues at one time. We had a patient that was assigned to come to your unit and the receiving nurse was James Winston. The ED nurse that was giving him report was not the nurse who was taking care of the patient at the time so she started the conversation with, "I am not who has been taking care of the patient but I am going to try to give you the best report I can."
After giving report, James came down to the ED to pick up the patient by himself and said, "I know you all are very busy so I am going to take the patient upstairs myself." Not once did he complain; he came down with a smile on his face and even said he did not mind taking the patient by himself. I could not go without telling you this and giving kudos to him. Although we know this is not possible every admission, we really appreciate this from him. At the end of the day we are all here for the patients and to deliver the best care we can for the patient. He truly demonstrated being world class.