Jamie Bizal
June 2021
Level 9 - Medical
Children's Hospital Colorado
United States




Without hesitation, Jamie answered the call to action and immediately began compressions on this patient. She and fellow staff members performed the code with quality compressions for almost a full hour, saving the patient’s life.
Jamie embodies everything it means to be an extraordinary nurse. She is the nurse that everyone aspires to be just like on level 9. Jamie not only has exceptional skill, the strongest work ethic, and the natural ability to be an outstanding leader, but she also has the kindest heart. There isn’t a nurse on our unit that would deny Jamie’s outpouring compassion. She comes to work every shift ready to give 100% to her patients, families, and staff. She is the first to ask who needs help and will lend a helping hand at any moment no matter what. Jamie effortlessly spreads kindness to all those around. Whether that’s helping with a task or just being there to listen, she is there. In the almost 2 years that I have worked on level 9 with Jamie, there isn’t a moment in which I wasn’t in awe of her.

I can still remember when I started as a new grad, Jamie was one of the first people to introduce herself to me and make me feel instantly at home. From this moment forward she has always been my personal role model on the unit. I often find myself in situations questioning, “What would Jamie do here?” to strengthen my skill, involvement, and compassion on the floor. Jamie is also one of the most involved nurses on the pulmonary unit. She is a charge nurse, the co-chair of the clinical care council, our level 9 representative for the hospital council, and is currently working on leveling to a CNIV; the highest level of nursing possible. She is dedicated to her work and making our unit the best that it possibly can be. Jamie is the nurse that I would trust with the lives of my own loved ones, she is truly the best.

Recently, Jamie was the charge nurse on a shift that I was working, and unfortunately, a code blue was called on a patient. Without hesitation, Jamie answered the call to action and immediately began compressions on this patient. She and fellow staff members performed the code with quality compressions for almost a full hour, saving the patient’s life. Jamie was resilient and mentally stronger than any nurse I have ever seen before. She didn't skip a beat, panic, or pause for even a second. It is not even a question in my mind that without the teamwork and skill that Jamie provided, this patient's outcome would have been different. The extraordinary clinical skill Jamie provided in this situation was one of the most remarkable things I have witnessed in my nursing career. Jamie was there for this family in their greatest time of need and provided the highest level of compassionate care. While this situation was physically and mentally exhausting, there is no doubt that it changed the lives of every staff member there. We got to witness the unbelievable teamwork, skill, heart, and resilience of our staff members who saved a life, and Jamie was at the front end of this save.

I still have so much to learn in my young nursing career, but I know one thing for certain, Jamie Bizal is a true DAISY Nurse.