Jamie White
November 2020
Adult Surgery Specialty Unit
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics




It was a joy to see the virtues of a teaching hospital be demonstrated like this, nurse to nurse, and I felt privileged to be included by Jamie in the process.
I had the good fortune of being cared for by Jamie during my two days following surgery. What impressed me most about this young, talented professional was her ability as an instructor. Jamie was helping a nurse new to the University get oriented to the fast-paced, precise, and patient-centered way that nursing is delivered in a unit like the surgery floor. Jamie showed patience, provided helpful and timely feedback to the colleague she was training and made sure I as a patient wasn't feeling put out if things were going a little bit slower than normal. In fact, she pulled me aside at one point and thanked me for my understanding of the situation.
It was a joy to see the virtues of a teaching hospital be demonstrated like this, nurse to nurse, and I felt privileged to be included by Jamie in the process. Please see that Jamie gets congratulated for her outstanding professionalism and her commitment to quality nursing care.
In addition to helping me heal better—body and spirit—Jamie was influencing the care her new colleague will be giving patients in years to come. Thank you, Jamie, for sharing your gift at UIHC.