Jamie Clement
August 2023
AdventHealth for Children
United States




Jamie is overall just such an incredible and selfless human being, there will never be the right words to describe her and express how impactful and amazing she truly is.

Our son was born in a very critical state with severe HIE and was transferred to AdventHealth to receive the best possible care. AdventHealth as a whole is nothing short of amazing but there are definitely a couple of people who really stood out and went above and beyond the first one being Jamie.

Jamie was first T's nurse when he was just a couple of days old and I knew from the moment I met her that she'd be our favorite. Jamie's level of care, love, and compassion is out of this world. She loved our son and it showed in everything she did. From doing his labs to helping us change his diaper everything she did was with so much love. She also always made us feel so involved, we were very limited in what we could do but anything we could do she would help us do.

One memory that stands out is me and my fiancé changing T's poopy diaper and Jamie was taking pictures for us because she knew how important it was for me to have these memories to look back on. She also took the first picture of the 3 of us together because I had talked about how we had yet to have one of all of us together.

It's so obvious that she absolutely loves what she does and cares for you wholeheartedly. Her light and positivity radiates and is contagious to everyone around her. Our son was in extremely critical condition and it was very scary leaving him but when she was his nurse I always knew he was in the best possible hands and I could 100% trust her with his life. She went above and beyond to not just take care of our son but to learn everything about him and his patterns. She even took the time to make a color-coded page of all the do's and don'ts regarding medicines he was on and just his overall hands-on care for other nurses who didn't know him as well as she did.

During shift change after going over everything with the oncoming night nurse, she would always ask if I wanted to add anything or had any questions and I would always say kind of jokingly but not at the same time "Make sure they know no line changes" because what is such a standard procedure my baby couldn't tolerate which would make me nervous and she always made sure I was heard and involved. Those little extra things she would do made us feel so much more comfortable during our stay at the NICU.

Jamie was not only so loving and caring to our son but us as well. She was always there for us whether it be just listening and supporting me while I vented about my feelings and the situation regarding my son's condition, in a meeting with the doctor, or just talking about life in general I could always count on her to be there for us. She treated us as if we were family and was a huge part of such a tragic time in our lives.

Unfortunately, at just 27 days old our son passed away. It happened to be on a day Jamie was his nurse and although it was such a traumatic experience, I am so glad it was Jamie who was there with us through that. She walked us through every step of the process and never made us feel overwhelmed or rushed. She constantly reassured us that we had as much time with him as we wanted, everything went at our pace, and things were done how we wanted them done. She helped us create and capture so many incredible memories that I'll cherish forever. She was a huge support for us during our time there, backed every single decision we made, and always reassured us that we did what was best for our son.

The day after he passed away after packing up our room at the Ronald McDonald House we went back to the hospital to see Jamie and one of our other favorite RNs for the last time before heading back home to give gifts to all of T's nurses, and I'll never forget waiting in the waiting area of the NICU and seeing Jamie for the first time without our baby there and everything just hit me all over again and she just gave me the biggest hug and just let me cry in her arms. Jamie is overall just such an incredible and selfless human being, there will never be the right words to describe her and express how impactful and amazing she truly is. I'll forever be so thankful for Jamie and everything she did for all of us during our time there, I don't know how I would've gotten through it without her. She will forever hold a very special place in our hearts.