Jane Wengert
October 2021
Northwestern Medicine Central Dupage Hospital
United States




To this day, when S plays with her “Baby Doctor Barbie”, or when we treat her to a Starbucks cake pop, she talks about Nurse Jane.
I was lucky enough to have Jane in on my preterm c-section delivery in May. She was then the primary nurse for our daughter, V, who was born at 29 weeks 4 days. Obviously, there are many concerns and worries as a parent when your baby is born that early. Jane did an incredible job of explaining everything to us and settling our nerves. Jane not only cared for V in the NICU, but for our entire family. She was always willing to FaceTime with our daughter, S, since she was unable to come to meet her sister in the hospital. Jane embraced the opportunity to explain V’s situation to S in a way that she could understand. In addition to my premature delivery, I was undergoing treatment for breast cancer. A couple of weeks after delivery, I continued chemo infusions every Tuesday. Jane would leave a small gift for us to take to S and keep her busy for when I didn’t feel my best after my chemo treatments. It was a small gesture that meant so much to us, and to S. What 3 year old doesn’t love some fresh crayons or bubbles to play with? To this day, when S plays with her “Baby Doctor Barbie”, or when we treat her to a Starbucks cake pop, she talks about Nurse Jane. Jane supported us mentally and emotionally during V’s 59 day NICU stay. She immediately felt like part of our family and we are so lucky that V was one of “her babies”. We will forever be grateful for the exceptional care and love that Jane showed our family.

Note: This is Jane's 2nd DAISY Award!