Janet Mutara
March 2024
Bedfordshire Hospitals
United Kingdom




She has fussed over me, sat, had many chats with me, given me confidence, and shared laughter.
The Hospital:  It’s a chaotic and complex environment and entertaining, too!!!

Staff come to do one thing, and they are rail-waded into several other things.

I had grand plans of staying 1 day and ended up here for a week with complex needs. The first few days were tough. I was grisly. I had pain, and I felt alone and anxious.

Three things have made Janet stand out for me: 
1.    Ownership
2.    Team bonds
3.    Kindness and courteousness.

She has fussed over me, sat, had many chats with me, given me confidence, and shared laughter. I got out of bed to her cheers. Every time I have had a need, request, a problem rather than taking a vanishing delegation approach, she has helped by returning to check that things are resolved. Each time she has been consistent.

I have been taken by the way she rallies around with her team members, sometimes coaching, sometimes delegating, other times giving guidance, and overall being clear about expectation setting and fulfillment. Because of this, it has been more pleasant than expected being here.

Importantly, I have seen her efforts challenged by other guests and she has held her own remarkably well and shown she can make various approaches to conflict and know who, where, and what.

Above all else, nothing beats her smile, cheer, and kindness. She deserves more than an award.