Janice Garcelazo
April 2021
The Medical Center of Aurora




I met Janice in the Spine Center while on a floating schedule. I noticed something different about her right away! A lot of nurses "do their job" and this is fine. They cared for their patients and got them what they needed. Janice was my Florence Nightingale! It was like I got "special treatment"! By this I mean, she puts so much effort into not only her job but by the extras! She would take the extra 5-10 minutes to stay with you! I was in the 11th floor Spine Center and it was hard. She took the time to help me through the bumps and really truly cared. She is the perfect example of what a nurse should be! They can't teach in nursing school, what Janice does! It comes from her heart and I will always appreciate her. From now on, whenever I think of a nurse, I will always think of Janice. She even stopped by before I left, on her own time, to say goodbye and wish me all the best!