Jason Goodwin
September 2023
Lancaster General College of Nursing and Health Sciences
United States




He wore compassionate care so naturally and in such an unassuming way as he quietly entered our darkened room
Daisies are such simple, happy, and unassuming flowers. They're used to make humble, almost ordinary flower arrangements. Not as showy as gigantic hydrangea poms or as fragrant as lilacs, not as dramatic as roses, nor as wild as lilies. 

During D's multiple-day stay in the Neuro Trauma ICU (5th floor) at LGH, Nurse Jason modeled a DAISY-like character. He wore compassionate care so naturally and in such an unassuming way as he quietly entered our darkened room as D began recovery from a traumatic head injury while playing pickleball. Jason treated D with dignity while cleaning up his gown, which was soiled from vomiting; he apologized and showed empathy for the severe headaches and pain D was enduring.

Jason was a quiet presence at the nurse's station, making eye contact as I arrived at visiting hours to begin my bedside vigil for the day. He asked with sincerity if there was anything he could do for me. When new scans or information became available about D's condition, he discreetly took me out of the room to carefully explain the medical jargon.

There was no drama in his voice, and he was unfazed when circumstances were tense. DAISY. He welcomed our daughters into the realm of education about their father's condition, using simple terms and caring in his voice. DAISY. He thoughtfully let us know that his three consecutive days of work were up and his vacation was about to begin. He wished us well and assured us better days lie ahead. DAISY.

We are grateful to ALL of the LGH staff, nurses, doctors, and specialists, but most memorable of our 8-day stay was Jason Goodwin. We will think of him again in September when his wife births their first child. We're hoping for a boy, as Jason says he'll be given a family name. We know it's pure coincidence, but D's first name is the same name, and it would be nice to know Jason is showing DAISY-like parenting to another male with the same name. 

Our world was better because of Jason. He is a DAISY Nurse. 

Note: This is Jason's 2nd DAISY Award!