Jeanette Irving
February 2023
Harvey 1 Ward
Nottingham University Hospitals
United Kingdom




We get one shot at making the end of life a dignified and positive experience, and Jeanette made this possible for this couple.
I just wanted to pass on the sincere thanks and gratitude from E. E was admitted to the Harvey 1 ward for 9 days. E's husband, P, was admitted to the QMC ward C25 the following day. Jeanette Irving was caring for E on Saturday and went above and beyond her role to ensure that this lady was able to get across to the QMC to be with her husband in his final days.

E and P have been married for many decades, and E cannot put into words how eternally grateful and appreciative she is to Jeanette for putting all the systems in place to make this possible. She was able to spend the last few days with her husband being cared for on C25, and Jeanette liaised with and organised the transfer in a timely manner. Making sure every detail was finely tuned.

E and P hadn’t had a very good experience of palliative care in the community, so E and P's experience has just helped to restore her faith in nursing. We get one shot at making the end of life a dignified and positive experience, and Jeanette made this possible for this couple.

Thank you seems so small in comparison to the difference you made to this whole family unit. Thank you, Jeanette, and what a credit you are to the nursing profession, the ward, and indeed, the NHS. Keep shining; it is nurses like you that make me proud to be a nurse.