Jecelyn Wehde
June 2019
Sanford USD Medical Center
Sioux Falls
United States




Sanford Air took me into their care from Sanford at Westbook, MN. I was flown to the Emergency Department in Sioux Falls and then moved to the Pulmonary Unit. It was here that I was introduced to Jecelyn Wehde, as my nurse.
A couple of instances that I would like to uplift Jecelyn for during my stay include:
While helping me make a trip to the bathroom with my IV stand, she noticed skin distress on my lower right back. She applied a pad to protect the skin.
I was started slowly on a liquid diet. Around 9:00 pm, she heard my stomach rumbling and got me a sandwich with a plate of food to help prevent nausea from my medications.
Both mornings before she went off duty she gave a thorough report to my day nurse explaining my situation. She gave excellent care, answered questions and gave comfort to my family and me.
Sanford hospital and her patients are fortunate Jecelyn is on staff. She is an excellent nurse, who deserves recognition for a job well done.