Jeff Wheeless
October 2020
Cancer Center
NEA Baptist Memorial Hospital




He finally looked at me and said, "What can I do for you to help ease your mind?" and I said, "Please just pray for me." He got down on his knees beside my chair and prayed out loud for me.
I just wanted to let you know what a blessing Jeff is to all the Cancer Center patients but particularly myself. The first time I came in for my treatment, I was scared to death. Jeff was my nurse and he picked up on that immediately. He talked with me for some time and answered all the questions I had, but could still sense my uneasiness. He finally looked at me and said, "What can I do for you to help ease your mind?" and I said, "Please just pray for me." He got down on his knees beside my chair and prayed out loud for me. People just don't do things like that anymore and I want him to know how much that meant to me. He is a precious soul and a wonderful nurse. Please recognize him for this beautiful display of affection and empathy towards me.