Jen Stephenson
February 2018
Child and Adolescent Psych Services
Blessing Hospital
United States




Jen Stephenson would always ask, "Can I get you anything?" and would make you know she was concerned. I was crying, concerned about my son's condition and she was very sympathetic and it showed. She also said to me and my son, "Thank you for being good patients." This meant a lot to me. I said, "Thank you for being understanding and listening to me." She made sure my son was comfortable in every way she possibly could and to me, his mother as well. Her care and concern have made a difference in our lives. I can't say thank you enough for your kindness and helpfulness. She was helpful in every way and would make your day brighter. Thank you for sharing her in our lives, she is a true heart.
My mother had a double mastectomy and was having pain and swelling. She had been very difficult and not very nice to the staff.No matter how unpleasant my mother was, Jen was nice and positive. Anyone can be nice, but it takes a truly kind soul to endure my mom's behavior with a smile. Jen could see she was in pain and realized something wasn't right.She listened to my mom's complaint and immediately notified the doctor.
My mom had lost blood and had a large blood clot in her chest. I hate to think what would've happened if Jen had not acted quickly.My mom had to go back into surgery and get 2 units of blood.I can't think Jen enough for staying positive and being professional even when my mom had a negative attitude. She wasn't even my mom's nurse she was just helping. Thank you, Blessing for employing nurses like Jen.She is our angel.