Jen Watkins
December 2023
Behavioral Health
Boulder Community Health
United States




Nurse Jen treated me with loving care. She told me some hard truths I needed to hear and went above and beyond to make me feel safe.
I am a 52-year-old man struggling with mental illness (bipolar) and addiction. I came to Della Cava with a wounded spirit, suicidal, with no hope for my future. Nurse Jen treated me with loving care. She told me some hard truths I needed to hear and went above and beyond to make me feel safe. Instead of feeling judged or less than, I feel equal to and accepted. Nurse Jen has a genuine healing hand, heart, and spirit. Her continuous kindness is exactly what I needed to get through a very difficult time. Her honesty and straightforward nature are a godsend. Because she helped to heal my wounded soul, I would like to nominate her for the DAISY Award. The world needs more people like her who take their jobs seriously, and remember we are all a part of a single tribe, THE HUMAN TRIBE! Thank you, Nurse Jen! Without you and people like you, I would be as an island left to my own devices.