Jennifer A Widmer
May 2023
Jennifer A
Advocate Sherman Hospital
United States




This was a nurse that was living the mission of the DAISY statue - 'The Healer's Touch' by making that human-to-human connection.
I was consulted as part of the Ethics team by Jennifer and the primary care physician to see Jennifer's patient that was having a difficult time with end-of-life decision-making. The first thing that I noticed when speaking with the patient was the care and attention that Jen was giving to her patient. She sat beside them the entire time that the patient and I spoke about their goals of care. In the middle of what was likely a very busy shift, she made sure that her patient knew they were not alone and that they were supported by not only the family but members of the care team that clearly cared about their well-being not just physical, but emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. Throughout our discussion, Jen held the patient's hand and offered her comfort where she could. It could be easy to extend that comfort and that healing touch to her patient, but it didn't stop there. When it was time to talk with the Healthcare Power of Attorney and family member, Jen did not miss a beat. She sat next to the family member and offered her support and healing touch. In the brief time that I spent with Jen, I took a couple of things away from the interaction. Here was a nurse that not only cares for her patient but all the members of the patient's family. It was important to Jen that both her patient and their family knew they were not alone, that her support and that of the care team, that they felt comfort, and humanity in a very difficult time. When you looked into Jen's eyes it was easy to see how important it was to her that her patient and family felt those things. This was a nurse that embodies Sherman LOVE, that was so unselfishly willing to give of herself to show that level of care, compassion, and empathy, to be vulnerable and show how much she cared not just with words but her actions. This was a nurse that was living the mission of the DAISY statue - 'The Healer's Touch' by making that human-to-human connection. As I finished my portion of the ethics consult, I thought to myself, this patient and family are so lucky to have a nurse like Jen that is willing to go the extra mile to ensure the patient has the highest level of care and that the patient feels cared for and loved. Not only is the patient lucky, but we as Sherman Hospital and community are lucky to have her be a part of our team and provide this same level of compassionate care to our patients every shift. I for one knew deep down that if I was a patient or my family was in the hospital - I'd ask for Jen to be my nurse because she truly cares and shows it and that is what every patient and family needs, not just in the easy times, but the difficult times too. Jen -thank you for being an amazing nurse and giving the very best care to our patients!