Jennifer Baum
October 2023
Outpatient Primary Care
Syracuse VA Medical Center
United States




As a result of Jennifer's swift and diligent nursing skills, this veteran received the care he needed, which ultimately could have saved his life.
Recently, a 49-year-old male veteran presented to the LPN clinic for a blood pressure check. The veteran's blood pressure was within normal limits, and he was being advised to continue his medications and follow up with PCP at his next routine visit. Jennifer asked this veteran if he had any other questions or concerns before she let him go. At this time, the veteran stated he works in a busy physical factory job and had been experiencing right-sided pectoral pain. This veteran is a healthy young man and after the description he provided her, it could lead one to suspect a muscle strain. The veteran's symptoms appeared mild in intensity and somewhat vague. The veteran mentioned he had some mild shortness of breath at times and explained his spouse just had COVID (though he tested negative). This veteran is without history of respiratory and/or pulmonary dysfunction so his symptoms could have easily been explained. However, Jennifer's astute assessment and intuition told her this needed further evaluation as she suspected a pulmonary embolism. Jennifer consulted with the RN nurse case manager, and it was decided that the veteran would report to the emergency room ASAP to rule out a PE.

The veteran was seen in the emergency room and evaluated. A D-dimer and CTA of the chest were completed in the emergency room, and the veteran was, in fact, found to have a pulmonary embolism. The veteran was started on anticoagulation immediately and admitted for evaluation.

Jennifer displayed all of the ICARE principles, including INTEGRITY in her work, COMMITMENT to our veterans, ADVOCACY by ensuring the veteran received proper treatment in a timely fashion, RESPECT for the veteran by explaining her concerns and the importance of going to the ER, and EXCELLENCE as she consistently strives for the highest quality of care for her patients. As a result of her swift and diligent nursing skills, this veteran received the care he needed, which ultimately could have saved his life. It is both an honor and a privilege to have Jennifer as part of our PACT team.