May 2019
University of Indianapolis School of Nursing
United States




Mrs. Carmack goes above and beyond her duty as an instructor. Not only have I noticed this, but so have all the other students in the NURB 431 class. She made herself readily available to me whenever I needed help and if our schedules conflicted, she would find a way to make it work. Mrs. Carmack has filled out numerous letters of recommendation for me and other students. She does a great job in the classroom by making things easier to understand, also known as the "Carmack skinny"! By doing this, it allows students who learn differently find success in all topics of the class. Mrs. Carmack also does a phenomenal job at keeping things professional and straight-up. I greatly admire and respect Dr. Jennifer Carmack. She has gone above and beyond time and time again in her work and for her students. Dr. Carmack expresses her passion for nursing through her informative and interesting lecture style. She makes you want to pay attention and care as much about oncology and geriatrics as she does. She is always attentive during conversations and willing to answer questions. No matter how busy she is she always takes time to make her students a priority. She has served as a role model and mentor for me the last three years. We really had a great chance to collaborate and bond over our projects since she was working on her dissertation for her doctorate while I was working on my honors manuscript. It was very beneficial to have her input and hear some about what she was doing. She also maintains her bedside manner through being a clinical instructor. She truly inspires me to be the best that I can be. Jennifer Carmack exemplifies everything it means to be a nurse. As a dedicated teacher and role model with a kind heart, Dr. Carmack portrays her strong passion with a loving touch in all that she does. I can speak firsthand of the impact that she had on me as a senior in nursing school at the University of Indianapolis. Her personability and evident love for her students made it feel natural to turn to her for advice. Coupled with her intelligence and own drive to recently finish her continued education for her DNP, I knew she would be a good source of wisdom. Mrs. Carmack provided an empathetic ear and compassionate outlet in a time where I found myself struggling with who I wanted to be. Long story short, I quickly came to the realization that I too wanted to pursue my DNP after school. Mrs. Carmack's impact does not stop there for me. She selflessly provided me a recommendation for graduate school to pursue my DNP. I was accepted into Purdue's program, and upon meeting the director of DNP programs at that university, the director brought up Dr. Carmack (as she had seen my references) and spoke highly of her. It was full circle for me at that point; from her undergraduate students to a director of graduate programs at another university, it is clear just how many people Mrs. Carmack has made an impact on.