Jennifer Foreman
June 2020
Medical Telemetry
Memorial Hospital at Gulfport
United States




My father was hospitalized for pneumonia, and, to date, he has been here 11 days, and we have no idea when he can leave. Jennifer has come into this room with a smile on her face every single visit. She has been patient when my dad hasn't been able to hear her when he starts to ramble, or he tells her something he's already said a dozen times.
Jennifer has been kind - stick after stick, blood draw after blood draw. She brought supplies so my dad could bathe and watched over him in my absence. I was not afraid to leave when I knew she was here. I know she'd be checking on him.
Jennifer was my dad's advocate. When he needed an additional med or service, she went to bat for him. When a sick family member threatened his recovery process, she backed me up in requiring masks.
Finally, Jennifer treated me like I was important. This stay is not about me, but I've stayed here every night. I've had to work some days and run errands on other days. She's seen my exhaustion and offered her support - every day.
Twelve-hour shifts are tough; I know that. But Jennifer never lets it show. She's amazing. My simple, "Thank you," is not every going to be enough.