Jennifer Goddard
May 2020
Labor and Delivery
Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune
Camp Lejeune
United States




I was induced at naval medical center camp Lejeune at 37 weeks for hypertension. I went there nervous, excited, and ready to have a baby. My labor was long and hard, my nurses went through the motions with me, but ensured I was taken care of and as comfortable as I could be for getting ready to push a 7-pound baby out of my hoo-ha. No one tells you how real and hard labor is, they just tell you to breathe, have a focal point, and use meds if you need it. Jenn was my nurse when D was getting ready to come into the world, and she was the best nurse I've ever had. She treated me like a human, respected me, she was tough on me to push like I meant it, she talked to me between pushes about a band we both loved and places she'd been to see them. I made a labor playlist and it consisted mostly of that band and when she heard my playlist she told me that she'd worn that band's tee shirt on the ride into work that morning and it was meant to be.
Jenn really took care of me, from pushing to when D was born. His umbilical cord was around his neck, and when he was out on my chest he didn't cry and he was purple, I was terrified, and she ensured me everything was okay and that he was going to be fine, and when he was cleaned off and everyone was let in my room and in awe of him, she made sure she was focused on me, my swollen vagina, and weak legs. She held me in the bathroom while I was half-naked, covered in goo, blood, and sweat, and showed me with so much dignity and respect how to wipe and keep myself clean to heal, while I was the most vulnerable and tired. She helped me change into a robe and gave me the sweetest hug before she sent us upstairs to recover.
I will NEVER in a million years forget Jenn, the love she has for her job is unreal, and I've never met a nurse more deserving of this award. As I'm home with my new baby boy on Thanksgiving, I couldn't help but think how grateful I am for her, and how thankful I am that she happened to be my nurse that day. She was truly a blessing.
Jenn made a new, scared mom, feel that much more safe and taken care.