Jennifer Mattera
June 2022
Medical Surgical
Newton Medical Center
United States




We all knew he was in good hands with Jennifer on duty.
My 89-year-old father suffered a severe stroke that paralyzed his entire right side. A few months later, he was admitted into Newton Hospital due to dangerously low oxygen levels and difficulty breathing. He was put on 2 West because he somehow contracted covid recovering at home. Due to the virus, he was subjected to isolation, and no one was permitted to visit him. It was extremely difficult sending Dad to a hospital and not being able to monitor his care. That's when we believe God sent us an angel named Jennifer Mattera. Jen's office just happened to be next to my father's room. The very first night, she called my brother's phone to give us an update on Dad's condition, and that's when we realized that he was in good hands. Jennifer went above and beyond. She knew how upset we all were, especially my mom, that we weren't able to visit Dad. So, Jen came up with a solution. Every day before her shift ended, she face-timed our family from her personal phone so that we could not only speak to Dad but we could see him. This was so comforting for everyone involved but especially both of my parents. Jennifer didn't stop there. As Dad began to succumb to his illnesses, Jennifer took a personal interest in him. She sat by his bed during her shift and held his hand, and sponged his lips with water. At this point, Dad could no longer eat or drink anything because he was unable to swallow. After about 10 days of my Dad's failing efforts to regain his health, my family had to make the hardest decision we could ever face. We had to put Dad on Hospice Care at the hospital. Jennifer still remained diligent in making the entire family, especially Dad, feel at peace and comfortable with our decision. She continued to check on my father every day and take the time to sit with him until we were allowed to go up and be with him. It was hard to leave my father's room when visiting hours were over, but we all knew he was in good hands with Jennifer on duty. After 5 days in Hospice, Dad passed away. That night my phone rang, and it was Jennifer. She wanted to express her sympathies to my entire family and tell us how sorry she was that Dad lost his battle. My family was at peace knowing that God sent an angel to help care for him in his time of need, and we will never forget her name, Jennifer Mattera.