Jennifer Ortega
November 2017
3 North Inpaitent Family Practice
University of New Mexico Hospitals
United States




Jennifer embodies the true values of nursing. From the first day she stepped on the unit, she has exhibited excellent professionalism, incredible integrity, an affinity for developing professional relationships, and above all else she has provided amazing patient care showing compassion in the worst of times and sharing joy with her patients in the best of times. She is quick to work through setbacks to help our patients and staff members and even quicker to celebrate our wins and steps forward in patient care.
Jennifer is a team player and is never afraid to step in and help out, and on a small unit with the limited staff we have, a nurse like her is invaluable. She never shies away from the difficult tasks a nurse has to perform day in and day out and always, always, does so with a smile on her face and a positive attitude. Her can-do attitude and infectious spirit help to brighten up the unit and make it an even better place to work than it already is. You can't help but smile when she is around.
On top of all of this and the hard work she does day in and day out, Jennifer has already enrolled in an RN to BSN program. She did this so she could improve her clinical insight and is always seeking learning opportunities in the workplace so she can improve her nursing practice and the care she gives to her patients.
I think what shines even more than all of this is how Jennifer connects with her patients. She has the ability to break down walls and connect with patients so they can participate in their own care. Most recently we had a patient on our unit that has had a difficult hospital stay and an even more difficult discharge plan. As of now we are not sure when or where the patient will be going when they are discharged from UNMH.
When the patient arrived on the floor they would often call out with nonsensical words or sentences and that made it difficult to find out what they needed or to console them. At one point the patient was agitated and very aggressive towards staff and visitors. Jennifer saw something in the patient and was able to connect with them on a level that no one else had been able to do. Through her hard work, Jennifer was able to work with the patient to sit up in a chair for meals, which was huge because that has been a requirement for any facility we have looked at for discharge.
Jennifer continued working hard with the patient helping to bathe her and helping her to perform her ADL's to the greatest extent possible. Jennifer began braiding the patient's hair and painting her nails. This prompted the patient to show off her nails and comment on how her hair was looking. Jennifer took a patient that wasn't participating in her own care and was able to help her come out of her shell. Through her hard work and dedication with this patient, other nurses have been able to make advances with the patient. We recently found out she likes 80's rock music and have placed a radio in the room. The patient now sings along with Def Leppard, AC/DC, and others. She is now interactive with staff, feeding herself, and spending most of her day out bed. Most of these things would not have happened had Jennifer not worked hard to connect with this patient and built relationship that has allowed our staff to connect with the patient.
There are many more examples of how Jennifer has made an impact not only with the patients, but with the staff on 3N. I know I speak for those on our unit and those that have had the joy of working with Jennifer when I say that she is an amazing nurse and UNMH is incredibly lucky to have her!