Jenny Blevins
August 2015
The Christ Hospital Health Network
United States




It is my pleasure to bring to your attention the superb performance of one of your nurses. Her name is Jennifer Blevins, and she works on the Orthopedics floor (3S) during the night shift. I feel that she must be recognized due to her caring and devotion to duty. Jenny cared for me on two consecutive nights. I had suffered a bad fall while clearing timber at the local Boy Scout camp and sustained a bimalleolar fracture of the left ankle. The fracture was displaced and there was a great deal of tissue damage to the lower leg. The displacement was reduced in the ED under conscious sedation and I was moved to 3 South that evening. Surgery was planned for early the next morning. I was in incredible pain. I was covered in mud and sawdust. I could not go to the bathroom. Jennifer worked on me virtually the entire night. She was able to get a dilaudid PCA started, she placed me on oxygen, normal saline and got a foley in. She cleaned me up in preparation for surgery. I had my watch on and was noting the minutes passing until I could push the PCA button. My O2 sat was falling. She stood next to me and encouraged me to breathe. I remember asking her if "this is what 10 out of 10 pain is," and she said, "Yes." I do not think that she sat down the entire night. She got me through the first night and bundled me up as I went down to surgery. I got out of the PACU in the early afternoon and slept until the evening. I woke up around the time she came back on her shift. I remember looking up from my bed and thinking, "Thank God, she's back!" She got me through the postop night and then I never saw her again. As I left the hospital I kept reminding myself that I would have to thank her. I work with nurses all day long, every day. Jennifer Blevins demonstrated a superb knowledge base, tireless devotion to duty, lightning-quick decision-making and solid emotional stability under stress. That first night was hell and she got me through it. As I have healed and regained much of my strength, I have reflected on her care for me. Her example of professionalism is a lesson to me and has inspired me to recommit to the same sensitivity and devotion to duty that I witnessed in her.