Jenny Elks
June 2020
Labor & Delivery
Vidant Medical Center
United States




THANK YOU to the amazing work that the nurses and Doctors did for me and my infant when I came to Greenville to have him at Vidant Medical Center. Especially Jenny Elks, RN. I am a current nurse Practitioner and have been told the Nurses make the WORST patients ever because we know great care and expect nothing less. Well this is what I got when I entered VMC. Jenny was with my delivery journey every step of the way, some of which were quite frightening. For every possible outcome, she was prepared and was full of information and education that put my mind at ease. When my son's heart rate would plummet, she was in my room almost before it would happen like she expected it. She has one of the best qualities you can have in a nurse, "Nurse's intuition" which cannot be taught in any classroom and is achieved through experience at one of the best hospitals around. When I wanted to give up from pushing for 3 hours, she was right there telling me that I could do anything I put my mind to and offering alternative methods of pushing to help ease my fatigue. When my son's heart rate continued to plummet and was not returning to the adequate rate, she was in my room asking for assistance and was ready to get me wherever I needed to go to ensure the health of my baby and myself was never compromised. I ended up needing a C-section and she offered to pray with me. This was one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced. A nurse, holding my hand praying with me. I was terrified but knowing Jenny was with me, got me through one of the scariest situations of my life.
My son was born and was healthy. Jenny never left our side. She got him and brought him over to me to let me see, talk, and feel his warmth. I cried and thanked her and the entire staff for helping me through a time where I was unsure if we both were going to make it. She then stayed by my side to L & D where she sat with me and monitored me like I was her own mother. I am unsure if she ever had a break to eat or even use the restroom, but she never complained. She reassured me when I had questions, and made me feel like I was her one and only concern. This is what made my experience truly magical. I felt like Jenny's family.
I truly feel she is a DAISY Nurse. I know this because I am sure she turned around the very next day and treated her next patient the exact same way she treated me, "like one of her own, to protect, love and encourage." THANK YOU so much to Jenny Elks, RN. I could NOT have done it without you!