March 2023
General Surgery
UK HealthCare
United States




Jenny Trimble first took the time to examine me and my stoma, then she slowly and calmly explained where the issues were that were more than likely the cause of my ostomy leakages.
I had 12 inches of my colon removed in August which resulted in my having an ileostomy bag. Almost every day my bag would leak even after I was released to go home. Unable to control or fix the leaking situation I ended up at my local ER only to find them telling me they had no ostomy supplies. Upon hearing this I called my surgeon's nurse Jenny Trimble and she asked me to please put her on speakerphone and so I did. Jenny Trimble then asked the nursing staff of my local ER to please contact their wound care nursing staff and ask them to assist me, which they promptly did, without her intervention I would have received no care from them as they had literally said to me “what do you want us to do?”. That did not solve my ostomy problems yet and myself and my family were getting increasingly stressed at each incident that occurred because we are unable to receive help at either of the two local hospitals closest to me.

When Jenny Trimble found out that there was a chance that my local ER had no ostomy supplies she immediately began to formulate a plan to come and meet my dad halfway if needed to bring me supplies (we had used all the ones the hospital gave us as well as 7 ostomy bags we had purchased all in a weeks time and were very very close to being broke financially!). This is just one reason I believe Jenny Trimble deserves recognition!

Furthermore, when I had my follow-up appointment with my doctor I still was having issues with my ostomy. Jenny Trimble first took the time to examine me and my stoma, then she slowly and calmly explained where the issues were that were more than likely the cause of my ostomy leakages. Then she went through all of the different supplies that would help me to remedy the leakages, and then showed me how to use them as well as explaining why each item helped.

Finally after 23 days of leakages, 2 hospital stays, 1 major surgery and 1 minor surgery I am at home and have been leak free for over 24 hours, which is a first since having to get this ostomy bag! This is all due to Jenny Trimble!

Also, I want it to be known that not only did Jenny Trimble help me with my ostomy leakage situation but she also went above and beyond to make sure I had the medication I needed to fix where my PICC line was stopped up, and she has stayed in contact with me whether it be via phone or email multiple times even doing so after hours of the doctor's office being closed a couple of times.

It is for these reasons as well as a couple more (I unable to list on here as it would take a while longer and I am still recovering from my last stay at the hospital) that I truly passionately believe that Jenny Trimble deserves as much recognition as is possible! Please note I have stayed at several different hospital facilities within the state of KY with all different levels of care and Jenny Trimble embodies only the absolute best qualities and expectations that we as a public have come to hope for from our nursing staff in charge of our care!!