Jeslyn Herinckx
November 2015
Kaiser Permanente Westside Medical Center
United States




I met Jeslyn 31 hours into my labor experience and she was my nurse the day my son was born. While I was very well cared for by everyone, it was not going well for me and my baby. I was exhausted--physically and emotionally and the revolving door of caregivers coming in and out of the room trying to help us was overwhelming. I needed to latch on to someone and I picked the right person in her.
When she noticed me straining to see the monitors to see how my baby was doing during contractions, she just started telling me how he was every time, without being asked.
When it turned out I needed a c-section and I, for lack of a better term, freaked out, knelt down by my bed, made eye contact with me and said, "I will be there the whole time and I will look just like this" and she put a mask up to her face so I knew exactly how she would look. When we got to the operating room, and everyone had their masks on, I knew who to look for.
At the end of her shift, I asked if she would be back the next day. She said she would, but she was mostly a labor nurse and would likely be bringing another baby into the world. To my absolute delight, the next morning, she walked in the room and said we had her for another day. I was thrilled.
Jesyln is the kind of nurse that just knows how to reach her patients and make sure they are cared for overall. Things like always reminding my husband and I we should order food before the kitchen closed. And moving the monitor into our view so we would remember to order when she left the room. At the time, I thought it was unnecessary. Until he day we didn't have her to remind us and we missed dinner, I realized then how well she cared for all of us.
My son's entrance into the world was a little bumpy--but Jeslyn made it as smooth as anyone could. Everyone present was competent, professional, and caring--but Jeslyn takes it several steps further--and deserves to be recognized for her efforts.