Jessica Boehringer
January 2022
Southwest General Health Center
Middleburg Heights
United States




I would like to thank Jessica for navigating me safely through the first evening.
I had back surgery and was on 5E. I was in surgery for 3 hours and arrived in my room at midday. At some point, I met Jessica, my nurse for the evening. My first impression of her was that she was very competent which was very reassuring. I had never had major surgery before and did not know what to expect in regards to pain. A friend of mine had strongly encouraged me to stay ahead of the pain pump as much as I could. As the anesthesia began to wear off I began to press my pain pump. That evening, my PCA helped me get out of bed and walk to the bathroom. As I entered the bathroom I felt extremely sick. The next thing I remember is being down on the floor looking up at Jessica along with the others. I later learned that I had blacked out from the effect of anesthesia and pain medicine lowering my blood pressure.

When I had realized I collapsed I began saying, "My back, my back," because I was worried I had adversely affected the rods and screws which were in my back holding my lower spine together. I remember Jessica looking directly at me as she attempted to calm me down and take charge of the situation. Then she had another PCA pick me up and put me back into bed. Though, I don't remember very much what remained with me was that Jessica had taken control of the situation which was very reassuring. When I think back on my situation I realize how concerning this may have been for Jessica. As it was not clear what caused my collapse. I also thought about the awesome responsibility nurses assume as they care for their patients. I would like to thank Jessica for navigating me safely through the first evening. I am very grateful for the car that she provided me with.