Jessica Brooks
May 2024
Piedmont Athens Regional
United States




Jessica lifts up her staff in a way that elevates patient care.
Jessica is an absolute gem of a manager and a person. She has absolutely transformed our unit in the two years she's been with us. She is a champion of patient experience, and the patients feel it from the moment they step onto our unit. There are always seasonal decorations up and it lifts the spirits of anyone who steps foot onto Neph. She knows all her staff and cares for them as people. She lifts up her staff in a way that elevates patient care.

We have had two long-term patients of the hospital get transferred to Neph this year, whom she took personal interest and responsibility. Both of these men had been in our facility for close to a year. She made it her mission to "make them human again". She dressed them in regular clothes. She personally escorted them outside every day for fresh air and sunshine. She provided enrichment activities for them tailored to their individual interests. Not to mention her support of each of their discharge plans. Besides these two individual cases, she created a "discharge with dignity" closet where anyone in the hospital can come shop for clothes for folks to wear home. And she stocks it (and takes donations to stock it)! Underwear, shoes, clothing from Goodwill, hair ties. It's all the little things that add up to make Jessica The Best!