Jessica Carlson
February 2017
Cancer Center Day Hospital
Froedtert & Medical College of Wisconsin - Froedtert Hospital
United States




Every chapter of this treatment journey has had an emotional impact. Jessica was with my mom and me on my first day of chemotherapy. Her consistent, confident, and gracious manner helped me settle in quickly that day. Jessica's expertise and utter calm are what comes to mind when I remember the allergic reaction I had to taxol seven minutes into treatment. Jessica was not one bit flustered. She simultaneously encouraged me, processed her medical steps, and contacted the doctor. She gave me confidence in the entire teambecause she was my first nurse and she was amazing.
Jessica let me know I'd be with all the nurses over the course of twenty weeks. I was exceedingly fortunate to have Jessica as my nurse for four treatments. She is comfortable bringing nurses into the Day Hospital from other areas, training, introducing us, showing consistency in procedures. Seeing Jessica around the Day Hospital throughout treatment added to my comfort level.
On my last treatment day, my port did not return blood. Between the lab, Jessica, and the team, over the course of 4.5 hours, Jessica got a little return amid lots of dancing. She was in constant communication with the doctor and his team. As emotional as a last chemo is, this was a wearing day. Jessica brought us smiles, intelligence, comfort, and confidence.
The journey of chemotherapy, start to middle to end, was a good memory, thanks to many nurses, techs, and staff. It's Jessica that I keep remembering for making that journey successful in the Day Hospital. I'm onto radiation now, and more emotions. It helps to know that Jessica's smile and comfort will bring confidence to a future patient in the Day Hospital on their first day, to their last session.