Jessica Durham
May 2021
Kettering Health Washington Township
Washington Township
United States




My situation wasn't easy, but Jessica helped me all the way through it. I will never forget her.
God placed Jessica with us for this because he knew I would need her. She has such a huge heart. She was my night nurse, and I made sure to request her when she came back for her next shift. She just seemed to know what I always needed. If I cried and was falling apart, she would just reach out and hug me. She always offered to hold my hand if something was uncomfortable. She would sit and talk to me like girlfriends do.

My husband was asleep when my epidural was placed, and I was totally with it because I knew I had Jessica. If I was uncomfortable, she always knew how to fix it. When I look back on this experience, I will remember her and be forever grateful to her. I delivered my baby into heaven today at 6:03 PM. Her shift didn't start until 7:00, but she came in early just for me; to be here with me.

My heart was so full. I was excited to see her each evening. I formed a bond with her while she was here. She always let me know that if I needed anything she would be right there and she was. She made sure to let me know that we were the only ones she was taking care of that night which was comforting. She cleaned my bloody body, and took creative and amazing pictures of my family and handsome son; there's literally nothing she can't do.

I have felt like she would've done absolutely anything for us. She has gone above and beyond for us. That's just her. This is her calling. I am so blessed to have met her. She is such a beautiful person on the inside and out. She is such a sweet and caring soul. I hope that every woman that goes through what I went through has Jessica. My situation wasn't easy, but she helped me all the way through it. I will never forget her. People enter your life and leave a lasting impression and she definitely did! Saying goodbye to her was one of the hardest parts of this process.