Jessica Fetyko
June 2023
4 Med
Shelby Baptist Medical Center
United States




Jessica is our role model and our shepherd- we aspire to be like her when we grow up.

Jessica is always there. She is there when there is a need for staffing- day or in the middle of the night. She is there to celebrate (a lot of times to even coordinate events) babies, accomplishments, a coworker in need, etc. She is there for her patients and even the ones who aren’t hers. She is there for baby nurses, nurses new to Shelby, or just nurses who need an extra set of hands. She is there for us techs- without us even having to ask, she is always on the way to help us (I think she may even have a sixth sense). She is there to fill out leadership paperwork when we do not have another charge nurse- for both 4-Med and IMC. She is literally always there. She is a leader and she is fair. She avoids mess- gossip, confrontation, and such. She encourages peace and will also let any of us know when we are wrong. She will help you understand your own flaws- in the kindest and subtle way. She has the ability to help you want to be and do better. She concerns herself with all responsibilities- even the ones that are not hers to deal with. Jessica manages 4-Med and IMC every night that she works- going behind every nurse and tech, making sure that all of our tasks are complete. She is willing to give in every scenario- time, money, food, etc. Staffing- She is always tripling staffing for both day and night shifts. She takes it upon herself to make sure we are staffed and will reach out if we are not- she will even work whatever shift is needed in the event she cannot get the shift covered.

Jessica is the first one that we (all of us) go to for answers before we go to someone else. If she doesn’t have the answer, she will find out, or lead us in the direction to find out. She is thorough and never complains- is always there to help (I cannot stress this enough), and never asks for anything in return. Jessica Fetyko is our role model and our shepherd- we aspire to be like her when we grow up. We are certain that there are so many awesome nominees for this award and appreciate you considering our Jessica. To us, there is literally nobody else more deserving of this DAISY Award!