Jessica Gilbreath
December 2022
Baylor Surgical Hospital at Fort Worth
Fort Worth
United States




Jessica remained calm and professional as she dealt with T’s pain, which she assured me was not a common post-procedure reaction.
My son, T, had a lumbar puncture. Jessica greeted us, got my cell number before taking him back for the procedure, and told me he would be ready for discharge around 2:30. Around 2:40, she called to tell me that T was experiencing pain and she was going to administer pain meds, so discharge would be delayed. About 30 minutes later she called me, stated T’s pain was not controlled, and asked me to come back to the unit.

T has had lumbar punctures in the past with no adverse results. He was clearly in excruciating pain and Jessica was doing everything she could to help him get comfortable. She kept the radiologist informed and was given an order for IV Dilaudid. Jessica remained calm and professional as she dealt with T’s pain, which she assured me was not a common post-procedure reaction.

They eventually did an MRI to rule out swelling or bleeding. Jessica continued to try to make T comfortable by dimming the lights, placing cool washcloths on his forehead, and offering water to keep him hydrated. He was sweating profusely. She kept me informed of everything that was happening. Even though T’s pain was not a normal reaction, she remained in control.

Jessica is a very knowledgeable and professional RN and I appreciated how she handled the situation. She called me the following morning to check up on T and informed me she notified the doctor of T’s reaction to the procedure. Jessica is certainly an asset to the Baylor staff.