Jessica Grisel
April 2021
Emergency Department
Ascension Seton Edgar B. Davis Hospital
United States




Jessica jumped into her role right at the start of a pandemic and has handled it with grace and professionalism.
Jessica Grisel nurses from the heart; she likes policies and procedures and holds her associates to them, but she knows nursing starts in the heart. She is frequently called over to a bedside to “deal” with difficult patients in our ED. Her number one way of dealing with those patients is listening. Really listening and hearing what that patient is needing, not assuming, but listening to find the real issue. She is also real with the patients, no big promises or wishes, sometimes it is a serving of the hard truth. Treating them for the person they are, not just another patient.

Jessica has increased the expected level of accountability for the ED associates. But at the same time, she will defend the department or look for justification of a situation before just claiming someone is wrong. She is creating a culture of safety through encouraging associates to ask questions and to be ok with saying I don’t know and helping them find the resources to improve their knowledge or skill!

Jessica jumped into her role right at the start of a pandemic and has handled it with grace and professionalism. It is not easy to make your staff feel safe when the protocols change as rapidly as they did during COVID-19, but Jessica made it a top priority to keep herself and staff on top of the changes and to be practicing in a safe environment for all staff members and patients. She shows her commitment to nursing on a daily basis, not giving up on the tough problems, and always willing to improve! She embraces education and knowledge for herself and her associates, she understands that their continued education will only benefit the patients we serve!

Jessica showed amazing leadership during the Winter storm we had in February, but that is not what makes her amazing; it was the thoughtfulness and compassion she showed to our associates. She was willing to give associates rides, any department that asked. She opened her home for nurses and doctors to sleep so they did not have to travel too far to reach work. She opened her pantry and kitchen too! She made homecooked meals for staff that were stranded at the hospital due to the icy roads. She stopped and bought personal items for associates that forgot something at home like deodorant!