Jessica Hamsher
August 2023
7 Main
Cleveland Clinic Mercy
United States




She is a strong patient advocate, extremely organized, and very thorough.
Jessica is an exceptional nurse. She is a strong patient advocate, extremely organized, and very thorough. Every experience I have had with her has been a positive one. She is eager to learn and not afraid to ask questions. Just this morning, I overheard her page a nurse practitioner, and when she spoke with him by phone about an acute issue this patient was having, she was informative, concise with her concerns, and ready to intervene to ensure this patient got the best care. Her quick action resulted in the provider arriving at the bedside shortly after that and investigating this patient's medical issue, and providing education to the patient and his family about his condition and the next best steps. This subsequently resulted in the patient feeling more at ease with his current circumstance and allowed him and his family to ask the provider questions and develop an understanding of his disease process. I have been a nurse for 21 years, and when I see young nurses making such a positive difference in the lives of their patients, it gives me hope for the future of health care.